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An integrated approach to the analysis of injury mechanisms in sport impacts

An integrated approach to the analysis of injury mechanisms...

This webinar looks at the high and repetitive biomechanical demands contact sports typically impose on... Read More

Advice, exercises, and treatments for low back pain

Advice, exercises, and treatments for low back pain

This webinar will offer practical, safe and effective treatments manual therapists and fitness professionals can... Read More

Advancing Physical Literacy in the Middle School Using the Fitness for Life Model

Advancing Physical Literacy in the Middle School Using the...

This webinar provides information about how teachers can use the new Fitness for Life: Middle... Read More

Advanced Reps, Sets, and Loads for Hypertrophy and Strength

Advanced Reps, Sets, and Loads for Hypertrophy and Strength

Learn to periodize a strength program with this webinar presented by Douglas Brooks. Read More

Addressing Today's High School Sport Safety Concerns

Addressing Today's High School Sport Safety Concerns

Dr. Robb Rehberg, Sport Safety International, will discuss what conscientious coaches and administrators need to... Read More

Active Living Every Day: New and Updated

Active Living Every Day: New and Updated

Active Living Every Day’s realistic approach has helped thousands of people to become – and... Read More

Abs Revealed: Programs for Six-Pack Success

Abs Revealed: Programs for Six-Pack Success

In this free, hour long webinar, Jonathan Ross talked about the importance of a strong... Read More

A case study of an adrenally fatigued, nutrient-depleted professional athlete

A case study of an adrenally fatigued, nutrient-depleted professional...

Through the analysis of a live case study, this webinar provided an understanding of how... Read More