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Design and control of resistance training workout using load, velocity power and the rate of perceived exertion

Design and control of resistance training workout using load,...

Dr. Fernando Naclerio hosted the webinar "Design and control of resistance training workout using load,... Read More

Demonstrating Core Values and Clear Purpose in Coaching

Demonstrating Core Values and Clear Purpose in Coaching

The purpose of this webinar is to share examples of how successful coaches identify, articulate,... Read More

Cultivating Mutual Trust and Cohesion on Teams

Cultivating Mutual Trust and Cohesion on Teams

The purpose of this webinar is to present strategies used by successful coaches to nurture... Read More

Culinary Recovery: Practical Solutions to Feed Success

Culinary Recovery: Practical Solutions to Feed Success

This webinar is presented by Todd Seyfarth, MS, RD, CSSD in partnership with CPSDA. Read More

Creating a Functional Sport Performance Team

Creating a Functional Sport Performance Team

In this webinar, Becci Twombley, RD, CSSD, discusses the importance of creating an atmosphere of... Read More

Coaching Your Best in Competitions

Coaching Your Best in Competitions

Effective game coaching requires coaches to walk the fine line between over-coaching and under-coaching Read More

Coaching Smart: Using Quality Research and Best Practices to Excel in Sport

Coaching Smart: Using Quality Research and Best Practices to...

Discover evidence-based strategies coaches can use to optimize their ongoing learning and professional development in... Read More

Coaching Evaluations in Education-based Athletics

Coaching Evaluations in Education-based Athletics

This recorded webinar provides school administrators and coaches with guidelines for creating coach evaluation systems... Read More

Coaching Athletes to Perform at Their Mental Peak

Coaching Athletes to Perform at Their Mental Peak

This webinar will share coaching methods and techniques that ensure athletes are functioning at their... Read More