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Challenges Related to Diet, Nutrition, and Exercise in Diabetes

Challenges Related to Diet, Nutrition, and Exercise in Diabetes

Sheri R. Colberg, PhD, FACSM ©2021 Lifestyle changes adopted to manage diabetes and prediabetes include... Read More

Business Essentials for All Personal Trainers

Business Essentials for All Personal Trainers

Don’t miss this webinar to learn how branding, marketing, and sales affect your success as... Read More

Breakthrough Women’s Running: Dream Big and Train Smart

Breakthrough Women’s Running: Dream Big and Train Smart

Learn to set goals and train for them with Neely Spence Gracey and Cindy Kuzma Read More

Body Image and Self-Esteem: In Search of Feeling Good About Your Body

Body Image and Self-Esteem: In Search of Feeling Good...

This webinar presented by Lauve Metcalfe explores the relationship of body image, self-esteem, and good... Read More

Body Composition Measurements: recent scientific findings and insights into injury prevention and quality of life.

Body Composition Measurements: recent scientific findings and insights into...

Body composition measurements are often misunderstood and misinterpreted. An increased understanding of the role of... Read More

Bending the Aging Curve: A Periodized Prescription for Improved Aging

Bending the Aging Curve: A Periodized Prescription for Improved...

Dr. Signorile provides a unique look at how to address the multi-faceted needs of each... Read More

Athlete Development Through Multiple Sport Participation

Athlete Development Through Multiple Sport Participation

Dr. Robin Vealey discusses the oft-controversial topic of sport specialization. Should athletes do one sport... Read More

Are you overtraining in the weight room? Understanding overtraining and sport performance

Are you overtraining in the weight room? Understanding overtraining...

Andrew Fry, coauthor of Science and Practice of Strength Training, discusses overtraining and sport performance Read More

Annual Evaluation, Corrective Action and Conflict Resolution: What Every AD Needs to Know

Annual Evaluation, Corrective Action and Conflict Resolution: What Every...

Donna Lopiano and Connee Zotos lead this discussion for ADs of all levels. Read More