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Keycode/Access Code FAQs

Note: If you purchased a product with an HKPropel access code, see the HKPropel instructions.

Student ancillaries for some existing products are not yet available in HKPropel. These ancillaries can be accessed without a login on their own unique web page.

Please review these FAQs to find out how to access your new and existing student and instructor resources.

If you purchased a course with a key code or access code, you must enter the code to unlock access to your digital product.

Online Course Key Code

  1. If you purchased an online course with a key code, go to
  2. If you are a returning customer, sign in with your existing login information.
  3. If you are a new customer, you will be prompted to create a new account.
  4. Enter the key code exactly as it is printed.

Online Course Access Code

  1. If you are a returning customer, log in to your account.
  2. If you are a new customer create a new account.
  3. If you purchased an online course with an access code, enter it at