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Webinars FAQs

Human Kinetics works with our subject matter experts to bring you practical and industry specific information. We offer a variety of webinars for our customers, free of charge. Below are some frequently asked questions that will help you have a successful webinar experience.

Yes. GoToWebinar is compatible with Macs and PCs.

Yes. Simply download the free GoToWebinar app on the App Store, Google Play, or Windows store. Once installed, it’s much like joining from a computer.

Our webinars are listed in Eastern Time. The registration page has a link on the top of the page that you can use to find out what time the webinar will start in your time zone.

After registering for the webinar, you will receive an email with all the information you need to join the webinar. Simply click the link included in the email and you will be routed to join the webinar.

All webinars are recorded and available for playback. If you register for the webinar, you will receive an email with a link to the recording within 48 hours of the live webinar.

If there is a problem with the audio, call the phone number listed in your webinar control panel in the “Audio” box. After calling in, enter the webinar access code which is also listed in the “Audio” box.

Yes, we will collect questions for the presenter throughout the webinar through the questions box provided. The presenter will answer as many questions as possible during the Q&A session at the end of the presentation.

Our presenters decide if they would like to share their slides after the webinar. If the presenter shares his/her slides, they will be available in the respective webinar article on the Human Kinetics website.

No, our webinars are not pre-approved for continuing education.

Sure. We provide the webinars as a knowledge service and encourage you to use them as assignments or in class lectures.

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