Higher Education FAQs
Request a free review copy
Most print book disability requests from U.S. and Canadian higher education institutions can be submitted through AccessText Network. If your school is an ATN member, please submit your request through your ATN portal. If your school is not an ATN member, email your request, including title, edition, lead author, and ISBN, to permissions@hkusa.com.
Contact a sales representative
Ebooks are provided free of charge to qualified faculty who are considering the text as a Required Course Text. If you are considering the text as an optional text or are planning to use it for personal/reference use, we do ask that it be purchased. You may also contact your sales representative directly.
New to ebooks? Our user-friendly ebook platform offers several features you'll find helpful while determining whether a book is a good fit for your course.
TAs assisting with lab sections qualify for complimentary digital copies only.
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide complimentary copies for libraries or tutoring centers.
Review Copies: Review copies will only be provided as an ebook.
Desk Copies: If you have adopted a text as a required course text, once the adoption is confirmed with your campus bookstore, we are happy to provide a print copy if needed. Please put a note in the comments section of your request stating you prefer a print copy and that the text has been adopted. We will confirm this information with your campus bookstore.
Request a free review copy
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Review HKPropel FAQ if you need help accessing your resources.
Contact a sales representative