Please note that the IJATT quiz must be accessed from this website, which is our dedicated IJATT quiz platform. Click here to "Sign In" and access the quiz (Please note that your log-in credentials may be different than the ones used to access IJATT articles.)
Please Note: If you have taken any quizzes at the previous site (http://www.humankinetics.com/ijatt-ceu-quiz), your quiz completion certificates are still available to you at this link. We strongly encourage you to download your completion certificates from the previous quiz website for your personal records as we will be retiring the site in the future.
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Each IJATT CEU quiz is posted on the 1st day of the issue publication month (e.g., the January issue's quiz is posted on January 1). IJATT CEU quizzes may be used by certified athletic trainers to acquire 3.0 continuing education units (CEUs) from the Board of Certification for the Athletic Trainer (BOC) and by certified athletic therapists to acquire 0.4 CEUs from the Canadian Athletic Therapists Association (CATA). You can choose both types of CEU for each completed quiz. Please note that the BOC discontinued the Evidence Based Practice (EBP) category in 2022. The IJATT quizzes are now approved for Category A.
IJATT is published in January, March, May, July, September, and November; the CEU quiz accompanying that issue is posted on the 1st of the publication month. The quiz is available for the duration of 12 months. There will be absolutely NO exceptions made to take the CEU quiz after it has expired. We encourage subscribers to take the quiz far in advance of the deadline in the event time is needed to reconcile any issues (technical or otherwise).
- You must sign in above to take the quiz.
- You will get your results immediately on completion.
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