Annual Evaluation, Corrective Action and Conflict Resolution: What Every AD Needs to Know
Donna A. Lopiano, PhD, and Connee Zotos, PhD ©2014
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In this free hour-long webinar, Donna Lopiano and Connee Zotos, authors of Athletic Director’s Desk Reference, Second Edition, discuss how to construct a coach/staff evaluation program that emphasizes growth and professional development, sets clear expectations for staff conflict resolution, and immediately addresses performance deficiencies in the most appropriate way. Emphasis is placed on implementing a structured orientation program, clear and measurable expectations, a coach practice observation program that helps make coaches better teachers, and a fair and progressive corrective action system. Difficult issues such as teaching staff members an effective conflict resolution process and voluntary termination and involuntary termination are also addressed. Current and future ADs of all levels will benefit from this valuable discussion.
There are no continuing education credits associated with this webinar.
Donna A. Lopiano, PhD, is president of Sports Management Resources, a consulting firm that draws on the knowledge of experienced former athletic directors to assist scholastic and collegiate athletic departments in solving challenges in growth and development. She served for 18 years as the director of women’s athletics at the University of Texas at Austin and is a past president of the Association for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women.
Lopiano was the chief executive officer of the Women’s Sports Foundation from 1992 to 2007 and was named one of the 10 most powerful women in sports by Fox Sports. The Institute for International Sport also named Lopiano among the 100 most influential sport educators in America. She has been recognized for her leadership as an athletic administrator and for advocating for gender equity in sports by the International Olympic Committee, National Collegiate Athletic Association, National Association for Girls and Women in Sport, National Association of Collegiate Women Athletics Administrators, and National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics. She has also been a coach of collegiate men’s and women’s volleyball and women’s basketball and softball and has coached the Italian national women’s softball team.
Connee Zotos, PhD, is a clinical associate professor of sports management in the Tisch Center for Hospitality, Tourism, and Sports Management at New York University in New York City. She is also a senior associate for the consulting firm Sports Management Resources.
Zotos has over 38 years of experience in scholastic and collegiate athletics as a basketball and field hockey coach, Division II and Division III athletic administrator, and professor. She has published numerous articles in refereed and nonrefereed journals and is a noted speaker and author on tiered funding models in collegiate athletics, coaches’ employment and compensation packages, coach evaluation systems, and gender equity in sport. Zotos has served on the NCAA Division III Management Council and is a past president of the Collegiate Athletic Administrators of New Jersey. In 2004 she received the award for Division III Administrator of the Year from the National Association of Collegiate Women Athletics Administrators and the 2011 Garden State Award from the Collegiate Athletic Administrators of New Jersey.

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