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Abs Revealed: Programs for Six-Pack Success

Jonathan Ross ©2011

Jonathan Ross, author of Abs Revealed and the 2010 IDEA Personal Trainer of the Year, presens programs and exercises for obtaining six-pack abs. Ross is the owner of Aion Fitness and was named the 2008 Best Personal Trainer by Exercise TV, the 2006 Personal Trainer of the Year by the American Council on Exercise (ACE), and one of the Top 100 Trainers in America by Men’s Journal magazine.

In this action-packed webinar, Ross shared some of the exercise he created exclusively for Abs Revealed, the top tips for the best abs, and some special challenges he has put together. Everyone is interested in training abs and this is a rare chance to hear what an award-winning trainer has to say about it.

Click here to watch the webinar in its entirety but please feel free to fast-forward through the first 3 minutes of introduction (a technical problem we are unable to solve at this time).

Jonathan Ross is an award-winning figure in the world of fitness and exercise. He is the owner of Aion Fitness, which provides fitness training and speaking and consulting services. He also is the personal training director at Sport Fit Total Fitness in Bowie, Maryland.

Ross has been featured in Shape, Fitness, Tennis, Women’s Health, Cooking Light, WebMD, and the Washington Post. He was named the 2008 Best Personal Trainer by Exercise TV, the 2006 Personal Trainer of the Year by the American Council on Exercise (ACE), and one of the Top 100 Trainers in America by Men’s Journal magazine. He was a finalist for the 2009 Personal Trainer of the Year Award through IDEA and is a fitness expert for Discovery Health.


His favorite activities are hiking, tennis, football, and volleyball-almost any sport involving chasing a ball or a person. He relaxes with music and enjoys caring for saltwater and freshwater fish. Ross lives just outside Washington, DC.