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Squat to balance

This is an excerpt from Vital Core Training by Leslee Bender & Leslee Bender.

Squat to Balance a

Squat to Balance b


The ball assists balance, activates the core, and promotes alignment.


  1. Stand with the feet hip-width apart and hold the ball in both hands.
  2. Flex the knees and hips to lower into a squat.
  3. Lift and abduct the left hip, straightening the right knee and pressing the ball into the outer left thigh to emphasize engagement of the abductors and core.
  4. Hold the balance for 5 seconds while breathing normally.
  5. Return to the starting position, then repeat.
  6. Perform 6 to 8 repetitions on each side.

Alignment Cues

  • Keep the core lengthened and engaged and the spine neutral.
  • Do not lift the hip so high that you lose balance.
  • Focus on balancing on the supporting leg while abducting the hip.
  • Stay within your range of motion.

SAFETY TIP Use a chair or wall for balance if needed.

Squat to Balance c

More Excerpts From Vital Core Training



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