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Nordic hamstring curl

This is an excerpt from Exercise Technique Manual for Resistance Training 4th Edition With HKPropel Online Video by NSCA -National Strength & Conditioning Association.

Starting Position

  • The exercise is done using a partner or piece of equipment anchoring the ankle, foot, and lower leg in a fixed position.
  • Begin in a double kneeling position on a pad with ankles flexed and toes into the floor.
  • Use a partner or piece of equipment to hold the ankles, feet, and lower legs in an anchored position.
  • Hold the torso upright with the hips extended and gluteals contracted.
  • Create a straight line between the ear, hip, and knee with the pelvis in a neutral, braced position.
  • Hold the shoulders back with the arms hanging at the sides or on the front of the thighs.
  • All repetitions begin from this position.

Downward Movement

  • Begin the downward phase by bracing the torso as described and allowing the knees to extend to slowly fall forward toward the floor.
  • Keep the gluteals contracted and use the hamstrings and the entire posterior chain to resist the rate at which the body falls toward the floor.
  • As the body nears the floor, reach forward and place the hands on the floor to decelerate the body during the last part of the lowering phase, as if doing a push-up.
  • Lower the body to within 2 inches (5 cm) of the floor.

Upward Movement

  • Begin the upward phase by performing a push-up motion, forcing the body backward toward the starting position.
  • In the same moment, contract the hamstrings to pull the fixed torso back toward the starting position.
  • The repetition is complete once the starting position is reached.

Nordic hamstring curl

More Excerpts From Exercise Technique Manual for Resistance Training 4th Edition With HKPropel Online Video



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