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Applying the dualistic model of passion in sport and exercise

Applying the dualistic model of passion in sport and...

Although some nuances were found, research reviewed in this chapter has shown that harmonious passion... Read More

Strategies for improving evidence of physical activity intervention effectiveness

Strategies for improving evidence of physical activity intervention effectiveness

There are several reasons for the current limitations in the evidence base and for the... Read More

Running slap gives left-handed batters an advantage

Running slap gives left-handed batters an advantage

A left-handed batter can get a running start before hitting the ball by using the... Read More

Proper footwork key to catching fly balls

Proper footwork key to catching fly balls

Coaches should use the following basic footwork drills every day to help players develop good... Read More

Mastering the stiff-wrist changeup

Mastering the stiff-wrist changeup

The easiest release to use for the changeup is usually the stiff wrist, but the... Read More

Think critically about new information, past assumptions, and your own thought process

Think critically about new information, past assumptions, and your...

Most modern environmental issues are frequently driven and fueled by emotional rhetoric. Environmental science and... Read More

Working together to reform education

Working together to reform education

Several aspects must be considered in education reform. One such aspect is whether the education... Read More

Examples of bio-inspired solutions that are more efficient than current ones

Examples of bio-inspired solutions that are more efficient than...

Biomimicry derives its name from two Greek words: bios, meaning life, and mimesis, meaning imitation.... Read More

Effective dribbling essential for success on the soccer field

Effective dribbling essential for success on the soccer field

Without question, dribbling is a key skill if a player is to succeed at the... Read More