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Design the ideal fitness class and learn the proper warm-up format

Design the ideal fitness class and learn the proper...

For the most favourable conditions, each GF workout, regardless of its type, should maintain the... Read More

Choose great music to keep a class energized and engaged

Choose great music to keep a class energized and...

The music used in fitness classes can be a determinant for the motivation levels in... Read More

Effect of exercise on the risk of several cancer types

Effect of exercise on the risk of several cancer...

Considerable scientific evidence suggests that physical activity reduces the risk of several cancer types with... Read More

Diet affects the risk of cancer

Diet affects the risk of cancer

An unhealthy diet could account for up to 30% of all cancers in developing countries... Read More

Muscular strength and endurance in cancer survivors

Muscular strength and endurance in cancer survivors

Resistance exercise training has been effective in improving muscular strength and endurance in cancer survivors,... Read More

Cancer treatments affect all elements of fitness

Cancer treatments affect all elements of fitness

The elements of fitness include agility, speed, coordination, flexibility, strength, and endurance. Read More

An Introduction to Intensity

An Introduction to Intensity

As I mentioned in the introduction, this book is not meant to be a review... Read More

The Depths of Hell and Crazy 8s

The Depths of Hell and Crazy 8s

There may be no exercise better suited for improving vertical leap than the depth jump.... Read More

Fruits and vegetables relation to cancer reduction

Fruits and vegetables relation to cancer reduction

Because fruits and vegetables are loaded with both fiber and water, they enhance satiety, are... Read More