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The three Cs of surviving stress

This is an excerpt from Active Living Every Day-3rd Edition by Steven N. Blair,Andrea L. Dunn,Bess H. Marcus,Ruth Ann Carpenter & Peter E. Jaret.

Compared with people who feel frazzled when things get stressful, stress-hardy people seem to have three important attitudes, or the three Cs of surviving stress: challenge, commitment, and control. Stress-hardy people

  • see change as a challenge, not a threat;
  • feel a strong commitment to their jobs, their families, and their decision to change; and
  • have a firm sense of control over their lives and how they spend their time.

The third C is one reason time management is so important. By gaining control over how you spend the time you have, you’ll lower stress and increase self-confidence. At the end of the day, you’ll also feel like you’ve accomplished what really matters to you.

More Excerpts From Active Living Every Day 3rd Edition