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The Team Possession Drill

This is an excerpt from Attacking Soccer by Jay Miller.

5v2 Divisions


Identifying top 5v2 players and potential playmakers


Set up a 10- × 10-yard (9 × 9 m) grid. There are seven total players, with five attackers and two defenders.


  1. Designate two players to start as defenders in the middle. The five attackers start with the ball on the coach's whistle.
  2. Players play one touch at 100 percent speed for three 90- to 120-second games, with 60 seconds active rest between games where all players focus on rolling accurate, properly paced passes and receiving the ball with open body positions.
  3. If defense gets a touch, the defender who's been in the longest and the attacker who played a poor pass trade.

Key Points

  • Passes must be crisp, firm, and rolling on the ground.
  • Short support is critical with an open body position to receive and play quickly.
  • Third attackers are always showing and moving in the windows between defenders for a split pass.
More Excerpts From Attacking Soccer



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