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Single-leg stance patterns

This is an excerpt from Warm-Up With HKPropel Online Video, The by Ian Jeffreys.

Calf Walk


Stand upright with feet shoulder-width apart. Take a step forward with the right leg landing on the heel and then rolling forward as high onto the toes as possible. Then step forward with the left leg, repeating the action. Repeat for the required number of repetitions.

Key Coaching Points

  • Isolate the action in the foot and ankle.
  • When up on the toes, make sure the foot does not collapse.

Figure 5.65 Calf Walk

FIGURE 5.65 Calf Walk

Calf Walk With Shoulder Rotation


The action is the same as the calf walk exercise but with the addition of a shoulder rotation. With each step forward, start with the arms down to the side and elbows extended, but as the move progresses, reach the arms back behind the body by drawing the shoulder blades together. When they are as far back as they will go, rotate the arms forward while keeping the elbows extended. Bring them overhead, trying to brush the ears with the biceps as they come overhead. Touch the hands together as they come to the front of the head and then return to the start position with arms to the side. Repeat with each step forward.

Key Coaching Points

  • Make sure the shoulder blades are actively drawn together as the arms move back.
  • Move the arms through as large a range of motion as possible, extending the body at the top of the movement.


This movement can be carried out without the calf walk if the aim is to isolate the shoulder action.

Figure 5.66 Calf Walk With Shoulder Rotation

FIGURE 5.66 Calf Walk With Shoulder Rotation

Single-Leg Knee Flexion


Stand with feet hip-width apart and arms to the side. Flex the hip and knee, bringing the knee up to a 90-degree angle, and at the same time flexing the opposite elbow to 90 degrees and bringing it up to a position opposite the chin (as in a sprint action). Hold this position briefly. Return the leg to the floor and repeat with the opposite leg. Repeat for the required number of repetitions.

Key Coaching Points

  • Ensure there are no compensatory movements used in order to flex the hip and knee.
  • Movements should be slow and controlled.
  • This can be developed into a rhythmic march, but always ensure movement is actively controlled.


As an advanced variation, the flexed knee can be pushed in and out (by the athlete or coach) to challenge the position.

Figure 5.67 Single-Leg Knee Flexion

FIGURE 5.67 Single-Leg Knee Flexion

More Excerpts From Warm-Up With HKPropel Online Video