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Segmented versus integrated programs

This is an excerpt from Foundations of Professional Personal Training 2nd Edition With Web Resource by canfitpro.

When creating programs for your clients, you will have to consider whether they would be better served by a segmented or integrated training approach. Segmentation refers to keeping the components of cardio, resistance, and flexibility separated from each other for the most part. This approach has been conventionally taught to Personal Training Specialists and is still the most popular way to structure a training program. An approach that blends the cardio, resistance, and flexibility of a program together, without a clear distinction between components is known as integration. Although a segmented approach makes up the majority of canfitpro'sPersonal Training Specialist certification, integrated training is often used with small or large groups of clients and in many group fitness classes.

In some ways, the ideal program for your client will be a progressive blend of both approaches to program design. Segmented programs are likely to be safer initially, and eventually providing increased integration will improve functional transfer and benefit most clients. In any case, you need to remember the importance of individualization and be sure that you are designing and modifying the program for one specific client.

After you understand and implement the concept of segmentation and integration, you have to plan your program in the context of a longer time frame, be it a month, year, or even longer. This concept is known as periodization.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Segmented Versus Integrated Programs


Learn more about Foundations of Professional Personal Training 2nd Edition With Web Resource.

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