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Sample training program table for high school athletes

This is an excerpt from Strength Training for Baseball by NSCA -National Strength & Conditioning Association,A. Eugene Coleman & David J. Szymanski.

By Patrick McHenry, Christ Joyner, Joe Kessler

Table 12.1 High School: Postseason, Circuit Training, Weeks 1-4
Day 1: Total Body

Order Exercise Sets × reps Sets × reps Sets × reps Sets × reps
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Warm-up: Option 4*
1 BW squat 3 × 12 3 × 15 3 × 20 2 × 12
2 Push-up with neutral hand position 3 × 12 3 × 15 3 × 20 2 × 12
3 Side plank 3 × 20 sec each 3 × 25 sec each 3 × 30 sec each 2 × 20 sec each
4 Bent-over I and Y 3 × 10 3 × 12 3 × 15 2 × 10
5 Single-leg bridge 3 × 10 each 3 × 12 each 3 × 15 each 2 × 10 each
6 Chin-up 3 × 6 3 × 8 3 × 10 2 × 6
7 Side crunch 3 × 10 each 3 × 15 each 3 × 20 each 2 × 10 each
8 Bent-over T and W 3 × 10 each 3 × 12 each 3 × 15 each 2 × 10 each

Day 2: Total Body

Order Exercise Sets × reps Sets × reps Sets × reps Sets × reps
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Warm-up: Option 1, 2, or 3*
1 Overhead squat with PVC or BB 3 × 12 3 × 15 3 × 20 2 × 12
2 Push-up plus 3 × 8 3 × 10 3 × 12 2 × 8
3 Front plank 3 × 20 sec 3 × 25 sec 3 × 30 sec 2 × 20 sec
4 External and internal shoulder rotation at 90 degrees 3 × 10 each 3 × 12 each 3 × 15 each 2 × 10 each
5 Double-leg bridge 3 × 10 3 × 12 3 × 15 2 × 10
6 Inverted row 3 × 10 3 × 12 3 × 15 2 × 10
7 Superman 3 × 10 3 × 12 3 × 15 2 × 10
8 Scaption with external rotation 3 × 10 3 × 12 3 × 15 2 × 10

Table 12.2 College: Postseason, Restoration, Weeks 1-4
Monday (Day 1): Total Body

Order Exercise Sets × reps Sets × reps Sets × reps Sets × reps
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Warm-up: Option 1*
1a Deadlift (BW, band, BB, DB, or KB) 2 × 8 2 × 10 3 × 10 3 × 8
1b Open half-kneeling ankle mobility with KB* 2 × 8 each 2 × 10 each 3 × 10 each 3 × 8 each
2a Lateral lunge (BW, DB, or KB) 2 × 10 each 2 × 12 each 3 × 12 each 3 × 10 each
2b Half-kneeling rotation with dowel* 2 × 6 each 2 × 8 each 3 × 8 each 3 × 6 each
3a Push-up (feet elevated) 2 × 12 2 × 15 3 × 15 3 × 10
3b Side plank 2 × 30 sec each 2 × 45 sec each 3 × 45 sec each 3 × 30 sec each
4a Inverted row (BB or suspension trainer) 2 × 12 2 × 15 3 × 15 3 × 12
4b Turkish get-up to elbow or hand position hold 2 × 5 breaths each 2 × 6 breaths each 3 × 6 breaths each 3 × 5 breaths each
5a Farmer’s walk (with KB or DB rack position) 2 × 30 yd 2 × 40 yd 3 × 40 yd 3 × 30 yd
5b Bear crawl hold (alternating opposite arm and opposite leg in place) 2 × 6 each 2 × 8 each 3 × 8 each 3 × 6 each

Wednesday (Day 2): Total Body

Order Exercise Sets × reps Sets × reps Sets × reps Sets × reps
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Warm-up: Option 2*
1a Single-leg RDL (BW, BB, DB, or KB) 2 × 8 each 2 × 10 each 3 × 10 each 3 × 8 each
1b Elevated single-leg bridge 2 × 10 each 2 × 12 each 3 × 12 each 3 × 10 each
2a Deep squat assisted with FMT* 2 × 10 2 × 12 3 × 12 3 × 10
2b Half-kneeling hip flex or stretch* 2 × 8 each 2 × 10 each 3 × 10 each 3 × 8 each
3a Turkish get-up to leg sweep 2 × 3 each 2 × 5 each 3 × 5 each 3 × 3 each
3b Front plank 2 × 45 sec 2 × 60 sec 3 × 60 sec 3 × 45 sec
4a Half-kneeling one-arm row (with band or cable) 2 × 10 each 2 × 12 each 3 × 12 each 3 × 10 each
4b Core control rolling with knee touch* 2 × 5 each 2 × 8 each 3 × 8 each 3 × 5 each
5a One-arm farmer’s walk (with one KB or DB) 2 × 30 yd (27 m) each 2 × 40 yd (37 m) each 3 × 40 yd (37 m) each 3 × 30 yd (27 m) each
5b Standing Pallof press overhead 2 × 5 each 2 × 6 each 3 × 6 each 3 × 5 each

Friday (Day 3): Total Body

Order Exercise Sets × reps Sets × reps Sets × reps Sets × reps
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4
Warm-up: Option 3*
1a Hip thrust (banded, DB, or BB) 2 × 10 2 × 12 3 × 12 3 × 10
1b Assisted single-leg lowering* 2 × 8 each 2 × 10 each 3 × 10 each 3 × 8 each
2a Step-up or lateral step-up (BW, DB, or KB) 2 × 10 each 2 × 12 each 3 × 12 each 3 × 10 each
2b Toe touch progression* 2 × 5 each 2 × 8 each 3 × 8 each 3 × 5 each
3a Push-up plus or push-up shoulder tap 2 × 8 2 × 10 3 × 10 3 × 8
3b Turkish get-up to hand with hip extension 2 × 3 each 2 × 5 each 3 × 5 each 3 × 3 each
4a Half-kneeling two-arm pulldown (with band or cable) 2 × 10 2 × 12 3 × 12 3 × 10
4b MB diagonal wood chop 2 × 10 each 2 × 12 each 3 × 12 each 3 × 10 each
5a Farmer’s walk (with KB or DB) 2 × 30 yd (27 m) 2 × 40 yd (37 m) 3 × 40 yd (37 m) 3 × 30 yd (27 m)
5b Bear crawl (forward, backward, or lateral) 2 × 10 yd (9 m) 2 × 15 yd (14 m) 3 × 15 yd (14 m) 3 × 10 yd (9 m)
More Excerpts From Strength Training for Baseball