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Strength Training for Baseball

$32.95 USD

$32.95 USD

ISBN: 9781492598251


Page Count: 320

Baseball programs at all levels recognize the competitive edge that can be gained by their athletes through targeted resistance training programs. Every Major League Baseball team, most minor league teams, the top 25 ranked college baseball teams, and even some high schools (depending on the level and size) have a full-time strength and conditioning professional on staff. With Strength Training for Baseball, you will gain insights into to how amateur to professional baseball players are trained, and you will learn to apply those best practices with your own team to gain a winning advantage.

Developed with the expertise of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), Strength Training for Baseball explains the value of resistance training for baseball athletes—backed by practical experience, evidence-based training methodologies, and research. The book will help you understand the specific physical demands of each position—pitchers, catchers, middle infielders, corner infielders, center fielders, and corner outfielders—so you can design program that translate to performance on the field. You will also find the following:
  • 13 detailed protocols to test baseball athletes’ strength, power, speed, agility, body composition, and anthropometry
  • 11 total body resistance exercises with 13 variations
  • 19 lower body exercises with 29 variations
  • 28 upper body exercises with 38 variations
  • 23 anatomical core exercises with 11 variations
  • 34 sample programs for off-season, preseason, in-season, and postseason resistance training
Each resistance training exercise consists of a series of photos and a detailed list of primary muscles trained, beginning position and movement phases, modifications and variations, and coaching tips to guide you in selecting the right exercises for a program. You’ll also learn how to structure those programs based on the goals and length of each season and for each position.

Backed by the NSCA and the knowledge and experience of successful high school, college, and professional baseball strength and conditioning professionals, Strength Training for Baseball is the authoritative resource for creating baseball-specific resistance training programs to help your athletes optimize their strength and successfully transfer that strength and power to the baseball field.

Earn continuing education credits/units! A continuing education course and exam that uses this book is also available. It may be purchased separately or as part of a package that includes all the course materials and exam.


Strength and conditioning professionals, personal trainers, or other related professionals who supervise and train athletes for baseball; also for baseball coaches with intermediate or advanced understanding of strength and conditioning concepts and applications.
Foreword by Nolan Ryan
Introduction by David J. Szymanski

Part I. Principles of Sport-Specific Resistance Training

Chapter 1. Importance of Resistance Training
David J. Szymanski and Brad Lawson

Chapter 2. Analysis of the Sport and Sport Positions
A. Eugene Coleman and William E. Amonette

Chapter 3. Testing Protocols and Athlete Assessment
David J. Szymanski and Jose Vazquez

Chapter 4. Sport-Specific Program Design Guidelines
Sean Marohn and Zach Gjestvang

Part II. Exercise Technique

Chapter 5. Total Body Exercise Technique
Jay Dawes

Chapter 6. Lower Body Exercise Technique
Matthew Krause and Rigo Febles

Chapter 7. Upper Body Exercise Technique
Paul Fournier

Chapter 8. Anatomical Core Exercise Technique
Nate Shaw and Derek Somerville

Part III. Program Design Guidelines and Sample Programs

Chapter 9. Off-Season Programming
Patrick McHenry, Chris Joyner, and Joe Kessler

Chapter 10. Preseason Programming
Patrick McHenry, Chris Joyner, and Joe Kessler

Chapter 11. In-Season Programming
Patrick McHenry, Chris Joyner, and Joe Kessler

Chapter 12. Postseason Programming
Patrick McHenry, Chris Joyner, and Joe Kessler
The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) is the world’s leading organization in the field of sport conditioning. Drawing on the resources and expertise of the most recognized professionals in strength training and conditioning, sport science, performance research, education, and sports medicine, the NSCA is the world’s trusted source of knowledge and training guidelines for coaches and athletes. The NSCA provides the crucial link between the lab and the field.

A. Eugene (“Gene”) Coleman, EdD, RSCC*E, is a professor emeritus in the exercise and health science program at University of Houston–Clear Lake. He serves as a strength consultant for the Texas Rangers and as a content editor for the Professional Baseball Strength and Conditioning Coaches Society website. Coleman was the first strength and conditioning professional in Major League Baseball (MLB) and worked with the Houston Astros from 1978 to 2012. He was also the first strength and conditioning professional invited to the MLB All-Star game in 2012, the same year in which he earned the NSCA Lifetime Achievement Award.

David J. Szymanski, PhD, CSCS,*D, RSCC*E, FNSCA, is the department chair and a professor of kinesiology at Louisiana Tech University in Ruston, Louisiana. He is the director of baseball performance for the Louisiana Tech baseball team and formerly served as the head strength and conditioning coach and as an assistant baseball coach for that team as well as at Auburn University and Texas Lutheran University.
Strength Training for Baseball provides a road map—compiled by experts in the field and game—that utilizes research and practical experience to enhance a player’s performance on the field.”
—Butch Thompson, Auburn University Head Baseball Coach

“The intelligence, research, and practical information provided in Strength Training for Baseball make this an absolute game changer. If you are serious about playing and taking your game to the highest level, this book is a must.”
—Lane Burroughs, Louisiana Tech University Head Baseball Coach

“Creating and maintaining strength and explosiveness through a sport-specific resistance training routine are a must for all baseball players. Strength enhances power, which is essential for pitching performance, bat speed, and explosive first-step movement, whether on defense or offense.”
—Wade Simoneaux, West Monroe High School Head Baseball Coach

Strength Training for Baseball has been written and designed by experts in the field for each level of play without compromising the need for sustainable production in the future. Everyone wins: the player and the team.”
—Steve Renfroe, Briarwood Christian High School Head Baseball Coach

“We stress playing the game the right way to our guys all the time. That includes preparing themselves fundamentally and physically to play every day. It starts in the weight room, with the right routines to draw from and help reach any player’s full potential.”
—Terry Francona, Cleveland Indians Manager

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Timmy Gallagher
Strength Training for Baseball

Great book

Luis Gonzalez

Excelent book, great content!

Alfredo Ortiz Torres

Strength Training for Baseball