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Sample stretches using the TRX Suspension Trainer™

This is an excerpt from Complete Guide to TRX Suspension Training by Jay Dawes.


Reaching Hip Flexor Stretch


To stretch the hip flexor muscles.


No lower-body pain or injury.


Adjust the straps of the Suspension Trainer to mid-length.

Starting Position

Stand on the left foot, grab the handles with the left hand, grab the right ankle with the right hand, and pull it back toward the buttock (see figure a).


  • While keeping the hips facing forward, bend forward at the waist (see figure b).
  • Pull the right ankle back while pushing the right hip toward the ground.
  • Stretch to the point of mild discomfort, hold for 5 to 10 seconds, and then return to the starting position.
  • Repeat for 30 to 60 seconds; then, perform on the opposite side.

Teaching Cues

  • Keep the hips pointed toward the ground when leaning forward; do not let them rotate.
  • Maintain an open chest.
  • Breathe out on the descent.


Reverse Lunge


To improve lower-body muscular endurance and coordination.


Good balance and coordination, and no lower-body pain or injuries.


Adjust the straps of the Suspension Trainer to mid-length.

Starting Position

Stand facing away from the anchor point, place one foot in both foot cradles, and place your hands on your hips (see figure a).


  • While maintaining a rigid torso, drop down until the lead-leg thigh is parallel to the ground (see figure b).
  • Extend the lead leg and bring the back foot forward until back in the starting position; then, repeat with the other leg.

Teaching Cues

  • Keep the lead knee aligned with the second toe of lead foot.
  • Drive up on the lead leg as if pushing the ground away.



Learn more about Complete Guide to TRX® Suspension Training®.

More Excerpts From Complete Guide to TRX Suspension Training