Biceps brachii
This is an excerpt from Understanding Fascia, Tensegrity, and Myofascial Trigger Points by John Sharkey.

Latin, biceps, two-headed; brachii, of the arm.
Short head: A flat tendon shared with the coracobrachialis, from the apex of the coracoid process of the scapula.
Long head: Supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula, and adjacent glenoid labrum of the glenohumeral joint.
Posterior part of the tuberosity of the radius, and aponeurosis of biceps brachii.
Musculocutaneous nerve C5, C6
With the origin of the biceps brachii fixed, flexion will occur at the elbow, initiating supination of the forearm. With the insertion fixed, the humerus is moved toward the forearm. This muscle is also an important flexor of the shoulder joint through the action of its long head, as well as an important shoulder stabilizer.
Kinetic System Comment
Biceps brachii decelerates extension and pronation at the elbow and extension at the shoulder joint. It acts as a junction providing myofascial continuity between the thumb and the ribcage (especially obvious when the upper limb is abducted). The muscle plays a vital role in shoulder stability under dynamic conditions and can contract with triceps brachii to stabilize the elbow.
Myofascial Trigger Point Comment
Myofascial trigger points typically evolve in the center of the gaster and refer pain up toward the anterior deltoid and down toward the pronator teres, just distal to the elbow joint. The neuromuscular therapy hypothesis includes weak core stability with poor neuromuscular efficiency, culminating in compensatory myofascial trigger point formation to provide additional tension.

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