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  • Single kettlebell full workout

    Single kettlebell full workout

    Check out this exclusive workout from Dr. Chad Waterbury, author of Elite Physique: The New Science of Building a Better Body. This full body workout requires only a single kettlebell.  Learn more...

  • Legs and Hips Workout

    Legs and Hips Workout

    This program from JC's Total Body Transformation is a functional training program with a metabolic blast at the end. This workout can be tailored for the intermediate or advanced trainee...

  • Dumbbell Arm Blaster

    Dumbbell Arm Blaster

    This program from JC's Total Body Transformation is a specialized dumbbell-only workout for the arms. This a perfect workout for people who want to do a specialized workout at home...

  • The Holy Grail

    The Holy Grail

    Goblet squats are an excellent squat variation for beginners and even advanced lifters as they put your torso in the ideal upright position for great technique and proper depth. They...

  • Bodyweight and band workout

    Bodyweight and band workout

    If you can't make it to a gym, this is a great workout that can be done at home using your bodyweight and resistance bands. A set of high-quality resistance...