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  • Dumbbell exercises for mobility

    Dumbbell exercises for mobility

    Dumbbells can help improve muscle strength, and they can also be an effective tool for enhancing mobility because the weight can lengthen muscle and connective tissue while taking a limb...

  • Medicine ball exercises for mobility

    Medicine ball exercises for mobility

    Mobility exercises with fitness equipment can provide more leverage to take a limb through a greater ROM while also increasing muscle fiber activation to help improve muscle contraction patterns. The...

  • Medicine ball exercises for core strength

    Medicine ball exercises for core strength

    Moving a weight through gravity while standing in an upright position challenges a number of muscles to work together to generate the forces that create and control those movements; this...

  • Stability ball exercises for metabolic conditioning

    Stability ball exercises for metabolic conditioning

    Stability ball exercises create a unique physiological challenge that engages a significant number of muscles. Using more muscles during a workout increases the overall oxygen consumption and energy expenditure, which...

  • Intermediate ab workout

    Intermediate ab workout

    This intermediate ab workout requires just a few pieces of equipment. Learn more in Ultimate Abs.