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Fitness and Health

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Whether you're looking to improve your personal fitness or a certified fitness professional looking to expand your knowledge, find a wide range of fitness and health books and textbooks to choose from. Looking to get started today? Our ebooks are ready to download to your digital device and jump straight in.

No matter if you love cardio, strength training, yoga, or walking for exercise, you'll find dozens of exercises and workout routines that are perfect for your fitness routine. Science-based and research-backed, our fitness books will get you fitter, stronger, and healthier through safe and effective workouts. Get tools to support lifetime healthy habits for all—from fitness beginners to masters athletes, from youth fitness to working out over 40 to senior fitness, from pregnancy fitness tips to fitness advice for moms.

New and experienced personal trainers and fitness instructors alike will find resources to grow your knowledge on fitness and nutrition plus developing and expanding your business. Our expert authors provide practical advice on workout programming, fitness assessment and testing, and more to deliver success to your clients. If you're seeking a new fitness certification or staying up to date with the latest in fitness science, we've got hundreds of continuing education courses to help earn the CECs and CEUs you need for top fitness organizations including ACE, ACSM, ISSA, and NCSA.