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Fallproof! 2nd Edition PDF With Web Resource

A Comprehensive Balance and Mobility Training Program

Author: Debra Rose

$63.00 USD

Ebook With Online Resource
$63.00 USD

ISBN: 9781492575566


Page Count: 328

Access Duration: 10 Years

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The second edition of FallProof! A Comprehensive Balance and Mobility Training Program is a practical guide to implementing a multidimensional balance and mobility training program to address the increasing incidence of falls among older adults. Now available with companion online video, this edition is a research-based resource with a range of balance and mobility assessments and detailed instructions on implementing the FallProof! program.

The second edition contains everything that made the original edition so popular and the FallProof! program so widely recognized and well received. Written by Dr. Debra Rose, foremost expert in balance disorders and programming, this book continues to be the only text to address the multiple dimensions that contribute to balance and mobility. By exploring the reasons underlying falls, readers gain the knowledge to offer more comprehensive assessment and programming. This research-based approach has been field tested and has shown considerable success in a range of instructional settings, including community-based and residential care environments.

The FallProof! program is customizable for individual clients, with exercise progressions for early, middle, and late class modules. In addition, the program offers the following benefits:

• Flexibility. Program participants can engage in group activities that take into account their individual abilities so that the program is not too easy or too difficult for them.

• Guidance. Safe and easy ways of presenting each of the program’s exercise components are illustrated, addressing issues ranging from safety concerns to the best ways to provide feedback to participants.

• Supplemental materials. Downloadable and reproducible health, assessment, and program-related questionnaires help instructors gather crucial information for effective programming.

• Results. The FallProof! program has been proven to reduce the risk of falling in participants who’ve completed one or more rotations of the program.

The second edition of FallProof! contains significant content updates and new references and features for both professionals and students. A new section on goal setting and behavioral management techniques is included, as well as a section on prioritizing screening and assessment tests, scheduling subsequent tests, and organizing testing in a group environment. Each chapter has tools for maximizing retention and understanding—including a summary statement, a quiz, and a “practical problems” section. An extensive research bibliography and a subject index make it easy for readers to access the information and explore subjects in greater depth.

A web resource with video clips makes the information in the text applicable to real situations. It shows how to administer screening and assessment tests, demonstrates selected exercise progressions for the major program modules, and provides a sample FallProof! class session in action. Reproducible forms and checklists help instructors with program implementation and can be easily downloaded from the web resource.

This comprehensive manual is used in the only authorized FallProof! certification program offered by the Center for Successful Aging at California State University at Fullerton and is a must for anyone in the field developing balance and mobility programs for at-risk older adults. It delivers the theory along with the specialized knowledge and practical skills required for creating programs that ensure older adults maintain the high level of balance and mobility essential in avoiding falls and aging successfully.

Part I. The Theory Behind the Program

Chapter 1. Understanding Balance and Mobility

What Is Balance?


Postural Control Strategies for Controlling Balance

Multiple Systems Contribute to Balance and Mobility

Age-Associated Changes in the Systems Contributing to Balance and Mobility

Case Studies


Test Your Understanding

Practical Problems

Chapter 2. Why Do Many Older Adults Fall?

Multiple Factors Cause Falls

Effects of Common Medical Conditions

Effect of Medications on Balance and Mobility

Fear of Falling

Are the Risks the Same for All Older Adults?

Practical Implications for Program Planning


Test Your Understanding

Practical Problems

Part II. The FallProof Program for Improving Balance and Mobility

Chapter 3. Screening and Assessment

Health and Physical Activity Patterns

Assessing Functional Ability

Assessing Fall Risk

Assessing the Multiple Dimensions of Balance and Mobility


Test Your Understanding

Practical Problems

Chapter 4. Center-of-Gravity Control Training

Seated Balance Activities

Standing Balance Activities

Floor-to-Standing Transfers


Test Your Understanding

Practical Problems

Chapter 5. Multisensory Training

Forcing the Use of the Somatosensory System to Control Balance

Forcing the Use of the Visual System to Control Balance

Forcing the Use of the Vestibular System to Control Balance

Exercises Coordinating Eye and Head Movements


Test Your Understanding

Practical Problems

Chapter 6. Postural Strategy Training

Practice Requirements

Progressive Exercise Activities


Test Your Understanding

Practical Problems

Chapter 7. Gait Pattern Enhancement and Variation Training

Overview of the Gait Cycle

Mechanisms Controlling Gait

Age-Associated Changes in Gait

Effect of Pathology on the Gait Pattern

Gait Pattern Enhancement and Variation Training

Culminating Activities


Test Your Understanding

Practical Problems

Chapter 8. Strength and Endurance Training

Selected Upper-Body Strength Exercises

Selected Lower-Body Strength Exercises

Selected Exercises for the Foot and Toes


Test Your Understanding

Practical Problems

Chapter 9. Flexibility Training

Selected Neck and Upper-Body Flexibility Exercises

Selected Lower-Body Flexibility Exercises


Test Your Understanding

Practical Problems

Part III. Implementing the FallProof Program

Chapter 10. Setting the Stage for Learning

Understanding the Stages of Learning

Understanding Different Learning Styles

Introducing the Skill Being Learned

Identifying and Correcting Errors in Performance


Test Your Understanding

Practical Problems

Chapter 11. Program Planning and Class Management Techniques

Following the Initial Assessment

Setting Individual Program Goals

Before Each Class Session

During Each Class Session

Between Class Sessions

After Each Follow-Up Assessment

Communicating With Class Participants


Test Your Understanding

Practical Problems

Debra Rose, PhD, is a professor in the division of kinesiology and health science and director of the Center for Successful Aging at California State University at Fullerton. She also serves as codirector of the Fall Prevention Center of Excellence at the University of Southern California. Her primary research focus is on the enhancement of mobility and the prevention of falls in later years.

Dr. Rose is nationally and internationally recognized for her work in assessment and programming for fall risk reduction. Her research in fall risk reduction in the elderly has been published in numerous peer-reviewed publications, including the Journal of the American Geriatric Society, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Neurology Report, and the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity. She was an expert contributor to the Global Report on Falls Prevention in Older Age published by the World Health Organization in 2007.

The innovative fall risk reduction program she developed and describes in this manual was recognized by the Health Promotion Institute of the National Council on Aging (NCOA) in 2006 as a “Best Practice” program in health promotion. This program is currently being implemented in numerous community-based settings and retirement communities throughout the United States. The NCOA also awarded Debra the Molly Mettler award for Leadership in Health Promotion for her work in the area of fall risk reduction in 2007.

Debra is a fellow of the Research Consortium of AAHPERD, a fellow of the American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education, former executive board member of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, and past editor in chief of the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Luigi Bercades

The book is great. Although the platform on which I have to access the e-book isn’t exactly very user-friendly.