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Exercise for Older Adults-CSULA

Author: Debra J. Rose

$63.90 USD

$63.90 USD

ISBN: 9781718231047


Page Count: 296

Access Duration: 10 Years

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This custom ebook includes chapters from Physical Activity Instruction of Older Adults, Second Edition. It has been specifically designed for students taking the course Principles of Exercise for Older Adults (KIN 4380) at California State University, Los Angeles (CSULA).


Custom ebook for students taking the course Principles of Exercise for Older Adults (KIN 4380) at California State University, Los Angeles (CSULA).
The Field of Gerokinesiology
Debra J. Rose and Dawn A. Skelton

Predictors of Successful Aging
Debra J. Rose

Psychological and Sociocultural Aspects of Physical Activity for Older Adults
Kathleen S. Wilson

Physiological Aspects of Aging
Priscilla G. MacRae

Goal Setting and Behavioral Management
Sara Wilcox and Abby C. King

Principles of the Warm-Up and Cool-Down
Mary Anne Kluge

Flexibility Training
Debra J. Rose

Resistance Training
Joseph Signorile

Aerobic Endurance Training
Susie Dinan-Young and Dawn A. Skelton

Balance and Mobility Training
Debra J. Rose

Applying Movement Analysis and Motor Learning Principles to Program Design
Debra J. Rose

Teaching and Leadership Skills
Helen Hawley-Hague and Susie Dinan-Young

Exercise Considerations for Medical Conditions
Matthew J. Peterson
Debra Rose, PhD, is a professor in the division of kinesiology and health science and director of the Center for Successful Aging at California State University, Fullerton. She also serves as codirector of the Fall Prevention Center of Excellence at the University of Southern California. Her primary research focus is on the enhancement of mobility, postural control, and the prevention of falls in later years.

Rose is nationally and internationally recognized for her work in assessment and programming for fall risk reduction. Her research in fall risk reduction in the elderly has been published in numerous peer-reviewed publications, including the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Neurology Report, and the Journal of Aging and Physical Activity—where she also served as an editor in chief. She was an expert contributor to Global Report on Falls Prevention in Older Age, published by the World Health Organization in 2007.

Rose is the creator of the innovative fall risk reduction program FallProof™, which was recognized by the Health Promotion Institute of the National Council on Aging (NCOA) in 2006 as a Best Practice program in health promotion. This program is currently being implemented in numerous community-based settings and retirement communities throughout the United States.

Rose was also the recipient of the 2013 Herbert A. DeVries Award for Distinguished Research on Aging from the American Association for Physical Activity and Recreation. She is a fellow and past president of the National Academy of Kinesiology (formerly American Academy of Kinesiology and Physical Education) and former executive board member of the North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity.

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