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Understanding and using velocity-based training to maximize sports performance

Nunzio Signore ©2021
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The concept of velocity-based training (VBT) can be traced back more than 100 years ago, when velocity was about how fast one was moving. More recently, with the work of such pioneers as Y.V. Verkhoshansky and Dr. Bryan Mann, the athletic-training community has begun to be able place visual, or real numbers and concepts into the equation.

In this webinar based off his new book, "Velocity Based Training: How to apply science, technology and data to maximize performance", Nunzio Signore will discuss the 'special strength zones', specific adaptations and assess how to use VBT for different types of athletes and programs. He will also discuss how to enable both coaches and athletes to better use VBT to maximize programming for athletes based on not only their sport, but the time of year as well.

Learn more about Velocity-Based Training