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Understanding athlete development

Understanding athlete development

Explore the various facets of athlete development Read More

Increasing Hip Flexibility for Dance and Sports

Increasing Hip Flexibility for Dance and Sports

Eric Franklin, Director and Founder of the Franklin Method Institute, discussed how to develop postural... Read More

The methodologies of the Overload System and how to program them effectively

The methodologies of the Overload System and how to...

Learn how to use strength training methods that utilize maximal and supra-maximal weights to achieve... Read More

Kettlebells for Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation

Kettlebells for Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation

Learn how to use kettlebells to prevent and recover from injuries.  Read More

The Art of Running Faster - Ways to improve your technique, training and performance

The Art of Running Faster - Ways to improve...

Julian Goater, author of The Art of Running Faster, presented the free webinar "Art of... Read More

Weightlifting exercises and their derivatives: appropriate application across mesocycles

Weightlifting exercises and their derivatives: appropriate application across mesocycles

This session explored the use of the weightlifting exercises and their derivatives across mesocycles to... Read More

Youth Compendium of Physical Activities: An Investigation

Youth Compendium of Physical Activities: An Investigation

Join Dr. Stephen Herrmann and Dr. Karin Pfeiffer to learn more about the history of... Read More

You might be fit now but you'll be fat by forty: the inevitability of human sloth

You might be fit now but you'll be fat...

Professor Jonathan Doust, FBASES hosted the webinar, "You might be fit now but you’ll be... Read More

Yoga for Runners: The Benefits and Practice Revealed

Yoga for Runners: The Benefits and Practice Revealed

This webinar focuses on how and why runners should use yoga in their training programs. Read More