Yoga for Runners: The Benefits and Practice Revealed
Christine Felstead ©2014
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Due to a small technical glitch, please begin the recording at the 1:30 minute mark.
With an extensive history as a long-distance runner and yoga instructor, Christine Felstead has married her twin passions into a pioneering program for runners. She teaches yoga classes and workshops for runners and endurance athletes. Her Yoga for Runners teacher training program offers certification to a growing number of instructors now working in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the United Kingdom. As author of Yoga for Runners, she presents Yoga for Runners: The Benefits & Practice Revealed.
This webinar addresses the following:
--Why runners need yoga
--The overall benefits of practicing yoga as a runner
--How to practice safe yoga
--How to use yoga in your training regimens
--How to yoga for race recovery
--Simple poses for every day
Click here to download the Powerpoint presentation slides.
Presented in conjunction with the Illinois Marathon.

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