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Mindful Moves: Effective Attention and Focus Strategies to Elevate Dance Education Performance Indicators

David Leventhal and Clare Guss-West © 2024

Join David Leventhal and Clare Guss-West, authors of the Attention and Focus Strategies for Dance Educators Online Course, for an engaging one-hour webinar sponsored by Human Kinetics and the National Dance Society (NDS). 

Expect to

  • delve into diverse External Focus of Attention (EFA) strategies to enhance key performance indicators of the NDS Standards Framework for K-12 dance learning,
  • explore the varied EFA approaches to foundational dance skills, such as alignment, balance, and turning actions across multiple dance genres, as well as creative and artistic communication, and
  • gain a fresh perspective for new inspirations and proven methods that support lifelong dance education. 

David and Clare will include practical demonstrations of how to use EFA to promote sustained movements, achieve dynamic stability in turns, and maximize jump height through co-creative and fun embodied learning techniques. 

Register for free.

There are no continuing education credits attached to this webinar.

To learn more about this topic, purchase Attention and Focus Strategies for Dance Educators Online Course and Attention and Focus in Dance.