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The Three Cs to Athlete Development: Winning Championships Through Group Dynamics

This is an excerpt from Developing the Athlete by William J. Kraemer,Nicholas A. Ratamess & Thomas Newman.

During the creation of this book, we developed a new framework for understanding group dynamics, which we call the ‘Three Cs.’ This framework posits that the success or failure of any group is contingent upon three critical elements. For a team to function effectively, it is vital that these elements are cultivated and maintained among all stakeholders:

  • Credentials: This encompasses the formal education and mentorship experiences that individuals bring to the table. Such background ensures that the foundational knowledge necessary for the group’s objectives is present.
  • Competence: More than just academic understanding, competence is about effectively applying skills and delivering at a level that sets industry standards. It’s the practical execution that transforms theory into results.
  • Commitment: Unlike the relatively static nature of credentials and competence, commitment is dynamic and can fluctuate with the context. It refers to the willingness to persevere through challenges and is not indefinite—it has a lifespan that requires renewal through motivation and engagement.

In group settings, each member is expected to contribute in a way that the collective outcome surpasses the sum of individual efforts. However, shortcomings in any one of the Three Cs can lead to underperformance and interpersonal conflict. Elite professionals may become disenchanted when contributions are overshadowed by internal politics or “selective tribalism”—a situation where decisions are influenced more by group loyalty than by merit. This can lead to their departure from the group.

For organizations striving for excellence, it is vital to prioritize the recruitment and ongoing support of top-tier talent. An objective assessment of the Three Cs should be a continuous process, offering a robust foundation for leadership and team development. By recognizing and nurturing these core qualities, organizations position themselves to foster a culture of high performance and commitment.

More Excerpts From Developing the Athlete



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