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The Physical Literacy Journey

This is an excerpt from National Physical Education Standards-4th Edition by SHAPE America - Society of Health and Physical Educators.

For the past 50 years, content area standards have been used by states and local education agencies as a framework for teaching and learning within content areas, including in physical education (Kober and Rentner, 2020). The 2024 SHAPE America National Physical Education Standards, Grade-Span Learning Indicators and Learning Progressions address learning across the psychomotor, cognitive, affective, and social learning domains, which is essential to supporting preK-12 learners as they progress along their own meaningful physical literacy journey. While the National Physical Education Standards, Grade-Span Learning Indicators, and Learning Progressions articulate the knowledge and skills students are expected to learn across grades preK-12 and provide a general trajectory for that learning, physical literacy is not about mastery but rather is an ongoing process (Castelli et al., 2015). These National PE Standards, along with the corresponding Grade-Span Learning Indicators and Learning Progressions, can be used to create relevant and developmentally appropriate learning experiences that engage all preK-12 learners on a physical literacy journey of holistic competence, to include opportunities to develop the skills, knowledge, confidence, appreciation, and motivation to live an active life—across and beyond their preK-12 years (see figure 2.1).

FIGURE 2.1 The process of supporting preK-12 learners on their physical literacy journey through learning experiences in physical education.
FIGURE 2.1 The process of supporting preK-12 learners on their physical literacy journey through learning experiences in physical education.

More Excerpts From National Physical Education Standards 4th Edition



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