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Coaches can use behaviorism to increase athletes' motivation

Coaches can use behaviorism to increase athletes' motivation

According to the concept of psychological hedonism and the pain–pleasure principle, people are motivated to... Read More

Treatment isn't a recipe from a cookbook: Strategies for individualizing rehabilitation

Treatment isn't a recipe from a cookbook: Strategies for...

Given the wide variety of patients with low back issues, we cannot expect to succeed... Read More

Understanding motor learning stages improves skill instruction

Understanding motor learning stages improves skill instruction

As a coach I found this simple paradigm to be extremely helpful for understanding, guiding,... Read More

Emphasize humanistic principles as part of an effective coaching philosophy

Emphasize humanistic principles as part of an effective coaching...

Humanism can manifest itself through the coaching process in four ways. These common emphases are... Read More

8 core principles in developing a coaching philosophy

8 core principles in developing a coaching philosophy

The coaching philosophy you choose is central to how you define your career and how... Read More

Resistance training increases the rate of muscle-protein synthesis

Resistance training increases the rate of muscle-protein synthesis

The control of gene expression in skeletal muscle has been an area of active research... Read More

MicroRNAs and the adaptive response to exercise training

MicroRNAs and the adaptive response to exercise training

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of short, noncoding RNA molecules that bind to mRNA molecules... Read More

The negative effect of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) on human cells

The negative effect of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species...

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) are sometimes collectively referred to as... Read More

What communication means for a coach

What communication means for a coach

When communicating, coaches tend to focus on the content of the messages they send: "Run... Read More