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Strengthen chest and arms with incline press

This is an excerpt from Strength Training Past 50-3rd Edition by Wayne Westcott & Thomas R. Baechle.

Chest Exercise

Incline Press

Pectoralis major, anterior deltoids, triceps

Beginning Position

  1. Adjust seat so that handles are below chin level.
  2. Sit with head, shoulders, and back against seat pad.
  3. Grasp handles with fingers and thumbs, palms facing away.

Upward Movement Phase

  1. Push hands upward slowly until arms are fully extended.
  2. Keep wrists straight.
  3. Exhale throughout pushing movement.

Downward Movement Phase

  1. Return handles slowly to starting position.
  2. Inhale throughout lowering movement.


Learn more about Strength Training Past 50, Third Edition.

More Excerpts From Strength Training Past 50 3rd Edition



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