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Sensory balls for students with severe or multiple intellectual disabilities

This is an excerpt from Build It So They Can Play by Teresa Sullivan,Cindy Slagle,T.J. Hapshie,Debbie Brevard & Vic Brevard.

Sensory Balls

  • Need and Disability

These tools offer visual and tactile stimulation for students with severe or multiple intellectual disabilities. Students have a variety of balls to squeeze and manipulate with their hands. These homemade balls provide stress relief and a remedy for fidgeting.

  • Tools


  • Supplies

Surplus pantyhose

Dry beans


Latex-free balloons


  • Instructions

1. Cut off the top of the pantyhose. Cut the legs into 6-inch strips and tie a knot on one end of each.

2. Turn it inside out so the knot is on the inside.

3. Using a funnel, place 1 cup of beans or rice into the hose, then tie another knot to make a ball.

4. Cut off the end of a balloon and work it over the ball.

5. Use another balloon to secure the opening so that the ball is covered with two balloons.

  • Ideas for Using This Equipment

Sensory balls can be used in a beanbag toss or in catch and release exercises.

  • Modifications

Use other materials inside the hose (such as sand or flour).

Learn more about Build It So They Can Play.

More Excerpts From Build It So They Can Play



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