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Protect the Puck and Shoot for the Goalie

This is an excerpt from Hockey Drill Book 2nd Edition, The by Dave Chambers.

337 Protect the Puck and Four Passes

Protect the Puck

  1. The forward protects the puck for 15 seconds and then drives for the net and shoots.
  2. The defensive player shadows the offensive player and then plays 1v1 when the offensive player drives for the net on the coach's command or whistle (zone A).

Four Passes

The forward skates around the face-off circle, then outside the blue line, then outside the center line, and then around the opposite face-off circle inside the blue line. The forward receives a pass each time from the coach and shoots a total of four shots (zone B).

338 Shoot for the Goalie Pad, Rebound

  1. Forward 1 skates down the boards and shoots at the far pad of the goalie.
  2. Forward 2 goes for the rebound.




Learn more about The Hockey Drill Book.

More Excerpts From Hockey Drill Book 2nd Edition, The