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Julie Lenhart's Practice Outline

This is an excerpt from Practice Perfect Softball by National Fastpitch Coaches Association.

Julie Lenhart

Suny Courtland Practice Plan

Practice Outline

4:00 Dynamic stretch

Warm-up (sprints and baserunning)

4:20 Throwing progression and everydays

4:40 Hitting warm-up/dry swings

Split team in half

4:50 Half of team hits - four-corner Wiffles

Half of team does agilities - station work

30 minutes, then switch


  • Go through twice with rest between
  • 40 seconds of work, 20 seconds off
  • 1. Sprint, shuffle, sprint
  • 2. One-foot ladder sprint breakdown
  • 3. Diagonal bounds
  • 4. Shuttle sprint
  • 5. Two-feet lateral ladder with shuffle
  • 6. Fast feet, directional sprint
  • 7. Icky shuffle ladder sprint breakdown
  • 8. Four-corner first step

Four-Corner Wiffles

  • Half of group hits, half of group shags balls or pitches
  • Each rotation is two "laps"
  • Four hitters form a 40- to 50-foot (12- to 15-m) square.
  • Four tossers face them from inside the square.
  1. R1: three swings per base = go to next base
  2. R2: three swings per base = B1: out, B2: in
  3. B3: up, B4: down
  4. R3: Each hitter gets one swing - to rip it or run

Learn more about Practice Perfect Softball.

More Excerpts From Practice Perfect Softball