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Head Start

This is an excerpt from Assessments and Activities for Teaching Swimming by Monica Lepore,Luis Columna & Lauren Friedlander Litzner.

Skill 2.4 - Bob Five Consecutive Times in Chest-Deep Water Independently


Pool noodle




The student and the instructor are in chest-deep water next to each other.

Instructor Directions

Hold a pool noodle 6 inches (15 cm) over the student's head. Tell her to bob five times and try to have her head hit the noodle as she pops up out of the water (make sure to explain that the farther down she goes, the higher she will be able to jump).

Student Directions

On your signal, the student bobs five times and tries to have her head hit the noodle as she pops up out of the water.
In the activity Head Start, the instructor lifts the pool noodle higher after each successful attempt.

Learn more about Assessments and Activities for Teaching Swimming.

More Excerpts From Assessments and Activities for Teaching Swimming