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Develop passing skills in transition

This is an excerpt from Women's Basketball Drill Book, The by Women's Basketball Coaches Association.

Three-Lane Movement


To help develop skill in moving without the ball.


Use three offensive players.


  1. Players start on the baseline: one on the right side, one in the middle, and one on the left side of the court.
  2. The ball starts in the middle (see figure 1).
  3. The outside players cut and then come back to the ball.
  4. The player in the middle passes the ball to one side to begin the drill; no dribbling at first.
  5. The other two players cut and come back to the ball until they reach the other end of the court.

Coaching Points

  • Players must stay in their lane.
  • Timing is important. Players must time their cuts and get open when the passer is ready to deliver the pass.


  • Add defensive players (see figure 2).
  • Allow two dribbles to help advance the ball.
  • Add a shot at the end of the drill.
  • Allow skip passes to the other side of the court.

More Excerpts From Women's Basketball Drill Book



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