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Agility Training Drills

This is an excerpt from Training for Speed, Agility, and Quickness 3rd Edition With HKPropel Online Video by Lee E. Brown & Vance A. Ferrigno.

The following types of drills should be included in an agility training program:

  • Line drills: Drills conducted in a linear fashion that incorporate change of direction, footwork, reaction time, acceleration, deceleration, stopping ability, conditioning, transitions between skills, and cutting ability
  • Cone drills: Drills that incorporate change of direction, footwork, reaction time, acceleration, deceleration, stopping ability, conditioning, transitions between skills, and cutting ability while using cones
  • Agility ladder drills: Drills that require the use of an agility ladder to enhance coordination, lower body quickness, balance, and footwork quickness
  • Bag drills: Drills that require the use of bags to enhance change of direction, quick foot action, flexibility, high knee action, and lateral movement
  • Backpedal drills: Drills that incorporate backpedal movements with change of direction, reaction time, acceleration and deceleration
  • Mini-hurdle drills: Drills that enhance lateral explosive change of direction through the use of mini-hurdles

Line Drills

Pro Agility (20-Yard Shuttle)

To develop change of direction, footwork, and reaction time.


  • Start in a two-point stance, straddling the starting line.
  • Turn to the right, sprint, and touch a line 5 yards or meters away with your right hand.
  • Turn back to the left, sprint 10 yards or meters, and touch the far line with your left hand.
  • Turn back to the right, and sprint 5 yards or meters through the starting line to the finish.


  • Perform different biomotor skills on each leg of the line drill.
  • Pick up a ball placed at each line.

Pro Agility (20-Yard Shuttle)


To develop footwork and reaction time.


  • Start in a two-point stance.
  • Sprint forward 5 yards or meters.
  • Rotate 360 degrees and sprint another 5 yards or meters.
  • Rotate 360 degrees and sprint another 5 yards or meters.
  • Sprint right or left for 10 yards or meters.


  • Put your right hand down on the ground during the first 360 and your left hand down on the ground during the second 360.
  • Vary the distance.
  • Make turns on command by the coach.
  • Use various biomotor skill combinations throughout the drill.


More Excerpts From Training for Speed, Agility, and Quickness 3rd Edition With HKPropel Online Video