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Advantages of working out at home

This is an excerpt from Strength Training Anatomy Workout, The by Frederic Delavier & Michael Gundill.

Practical Aspects of Exercising at Home

It can be difficult to find a good gym.

Unfortunately, there are very few good gyms for weight training. Many gyms invest in cardio and group classes rather than in weight training, and in many gyms, serious weight trainers are not welcome.

You save time and money.

Going to the gym can be tedious. You have to get dressed, drive to the gym, and change into your workout clothes. Then, after working out, you have to do it all again in the opposite order. All of this can take more time than the actual workout. Add to this the fact that membership costs are more and more expensive because of the amount of activities offered. But why pay for group classes, a pool, or something else when you only want to spend two to four hours a week lifting weights?

You have the freedom to exercise when you want to.

At a gym, you can exercise only when the gym is open, and you can be limited by crowds. Working out at home gives you flexibility. You can work out in the morning, in the evening, or on alternate mornings and evenings to make the best use of your time.

No age limit exists.

Many gyms do not allow people under the age of 16 to use their facilities. This does not mean that people cannot start lifting weights before the age of 16. Weight training will not stunt your growth! On the contrary: The earlier you start, the greater the benefits. In this case, the only solution is to work out at home.

Why Working Out at Home Is the Right Choice

First and foremost: You get results.

Weight training is more than a hobby. You must practice it seriously and not take it lightly. You are training to achieve results, not to pass the time. Unfortunately, most gyms do not want this kind of person as a member. Gyms emphasize the fun aspects of exercising and do not focus on effectiveness. This is why gyms often choose equipment that looks nice over equipment that works well.

You need a place that fits your program.

Gyms certainly have a more social quality than your home can offer, but being social does not make your workout effective. Often, the opposite is true. Many gym members are not really there to work out. They go there to pass some time and to meet people. Sometimes gym patrons think it is strange to see people who are seriously working out.

You avoid the equipment trap.

In many gyms, the equipment choices were made based on cost rather than effectiveness. As a result, you will find equipment that is not effective and does not work well with human anatomy. This equipment is dangerous for muscles and joints.

You have better concentration.

At home, no one will disturb you while you are exercising in order to discuss the weather or to tell you that you are not exercising the right way. You will be able to remain focused and have a faster, more productive workout.

It is the best way to achieve the workout you planned.

In a gym, your resting time is largely determined by other gym members. Your choice of exercises or equipment depends on what is available when you are working out. All of this rarely fits with the program you have set to meet your objectives. Circuit training, which is indispensable for athletes' weight training, is next to impossible in a gym. Working out at home grants you this freedom.

You eliminate ego.

In front of other people, so as not to seem silly, people might perform their repetitions haphazardly with the goal of lifting as much as possible. Ultimately, this will mean slower progress and a greater risk of injury. At home, there is no one to impress. You can focus on effective work and not worry about what other people think.

Read more about The Strength Training Anatomy Workout.

More Excerpts From Strength Training Anatomy Workout



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