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A flash can create a scoring opportunity

This is an excerpt from Basketball: Steps to Success-3rd Edition by Hal Wissel.


Any time you see a teammate being denied the pass and you are the next player away, you should automatically flash to an open area between the passer and the overplayed teammate. Flashing to the ball relieves defensive pressure on your teammates by giving the passer another outlet. A flash can prevent a possible turnover, and when combined with a well-timed backdoor cut by the overplayed teammate, the flash can also create a scoring opportunity. Signal your flash cut with the key word flash!As you receive the pass, look to pass to your overplayed teammate cutting backdoor to the basket. If your teammate is covered on the backdoor cut, you should front turn into a triple-threat position for a possible shot, drive to the basket, or pass.

Flash high when your teammate is prevented from receiving a pass on the perimeter (figure 11.6). You can also flash to the high post when your teammate is being fronted in the low post (figure 11.7), and you can flash to the low post if your teammate is being denied at the high post (figure 11.8).


Pressure defense prevents you and your teammates from getting open to receive a pass.


When your defender overplays you and denies you from receiving a pass, you should make a backdoor cut to the basket. When you see a defender denying your teammate from receiving a pass, you should automatically flash.

Read more about Basketball: Steps to Success 3E.

More Excerpts From Basketball: Steps to Success 3rd Edition



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