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Medicine ball exercises for mobility

Mobility exercises with fitness equipment can provide more leverage to take a limb through a greater ROM while also increasing muscle fiber activation to help improve muscle contraction patterns. The medicine ball can provide leverage to lengthen muscle and connective tissue while enhancing motion from a joint. The medicine ball can also provide a weight to help the body move into a complete range of motion. For best results, use a smaller medicine ball that can easily be supported by one hand while also providing enough weight so that it can be challenging to hold for more than 20 or 30 seconds with both arms fully extended. Using a medicine ball that is too light or too small may not provide the weight to properly lengthen the tissue or the leverage to completely optimize joint position. An additional benefit of using a medicine ball for mobility exercises is that you will be strengthening your muscle and connective tissue while also enhancing joint ROM. Once you reach 20 reps per each side, work up to doing 4 sets of each exercise; for the stretches, keep the length of time the same, but feel free to add additional sets.

Try these kettlebell exercises for core strength from Smarter Workouts.