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Human Kinetics, the official publisher for SHAPE America  

Human Kinetics is proud to publish over 20 books in association with SHAPE America, a national organization that defines excellence for school-based health education and physical education professionals across the United States.

Human Kinetics is the premier publisher in health education, physical education, adapted physical education, and dance. We provide quality K-12, Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE), and Health Education Teacher Education (HETE) resources, many with instructor guides, test packages, and presentation packages. Find curriculum, lesson plans, online professional development courses, and resources, including ones that integrate the National Health and PE standards.

Featured Online Professional Development Course*

Unpacking the National Physical Education Standards

Worth six professional development hours, Unpacking the National Physical Education Standards online course is designed for physical education teachers at the elementary, middle, and high school levels who are looking for guidance in implementing the new National Physical Education Standards. The course addresses specific SHAPE America National Standards for K-12 Physical Education (2024).

Whether you’re a seasoned educator, or just starting, this course will provide you with what you need to know to successfully employ one of the primary components of standards-based instruction: unpacking learning indicators.

*This course is excluded from the SHAPE America member discount.

Learn more and sign up today for the course!

Health Education; Physical Education; Adapted PE; and Dance subjects

SHAPE America Member Discounts

Person working on a laptop with text overlay become a SHAPE America member and save on Human Kinetics resources. 30% off, some restrictions apply

Human Kinetics is pleased to partner with SHAPE America by offering discounts on our resources to SHAPE America members! Whether you’re a preK-12 teacher, higher education faculty member, researcher, administrator, or future professional, we’re here to help you in your professional career and personal fitness journey of improved fitness, stronger athletic performance, and better nutrition.

SHAPE America members receive the member discount code from SHAPE America. To learn more about becoming a SHAPE America member and the discount code, please visit

Learn more about SHAPE America membership and all its benefits

Professional Development Opportunities Through SHAPE America