Moving with Words & Actions
Physical Literacy for Preschool and Primary Children
Author: Rhonda Clements, Sharon Schneider
$42.00 USD
The earlier that children develop a love for physical activity, the better able they are to acquire the healthy habits that will serve them well throughout their lives. Moving With Words & Actions is designed to help them develop that critical physical literacy.
Moving With Words & Actions offers early childhood and physical education teachers more than 70 lesson plans that can be used immediately or can be used as models for creating additional lessons. The plans reinforce both physical literacy and language literacy; they use words related to children’s academic learning and understanding of their immediate environment to entice them to move. The lesson plans
• Use an interdisciplinary approach, integrating academic concepts from language arts, math, science, health and nutrition, community awareness, and environmental awareness
• Are highly adaptable for various settings, including those working with individualized education programs and 504 accommodation plans as well as those teaching in limited spaces
• Offer great noncompetitive activities that are perfect for use by recess, lunchtime, and before- and after-school specialists
• Have been field tested according to best practices to ensure age appropriateness
Each lesson plan includes three learning tasks that help children apply a variety of action words and movement concepts to the moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activities prescribed in the tasks. Most tasks are easy to implement, requiring no equipment or specialized setting. What’s more, all lesson plans address SHAPE America’s National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education, so preschool children will have a head start on their kindergarten learning.
This SHAPE America book, based on the authors’ classic Movement-Based Learning, has been completely revamped with new lessons and new material to reflect current research, address the new standards and outcomes, and emphasize physical literacy. Part I offers expert guidance in selecting age-appropriate content, creating and implementing lesson plans, making the most of every lesson, and assessing your students’ learning and progress. In part I, you’ll explore the importance of words in young children’s lives and learn what constitutes an appropriate learning task and how that understanding should inform your teaching. These chapters also highlight two primary instructional strategies for this age group, identify five teaching practices to help student teachers create preservice lessons, and outline three assessment techniques for teachers in early-childhood settings.
Part II supplies the lesson plans themselves, categorized by these units:
• Healthy Bodies (examining body parts and the ways they move, and increasing awareness of healthy nutrition)
• Our Community (enhancing children’s understanding of community helpers in familiar roles)
• Living Creatures (helping children appreciate animals by imitating their movements, behaviors, and characteristics)
• Science and Math (using action rhymes, riddles, and games to learn math and science concepts)
• Language Arts (expanding on children’s language artss and movement vocabularies with alphabet challenges, action poems, movement riddles, and more)
Moving With Words & Actions will help you plan lessons with confidence, use sound instructional strategies, and assess your students effectively as they learn how their bodies function, move, and grow in healthy ways. Children will enjoy the movement activities, which are fun in and of themselves; but, more importantly, they will be taking a solid first step toward becoming physically literate learners who will gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to move with competence in multiple environments and lead active lives.
Human Kinetics is proud to publish this book in association with SHAPE America, the national organization that defines excellence for school-based health and physical education professionals across the United States.
Lesson planning resource for physical education teachers and teacher trainers, classroom teachers, and early childhood teachers. A supplemental text for preservice physical education and early childhood majors.
Part I: Setting the Standard With Age-Appropriate Content, Instruction, and Assessment
Chapter 1: Selecting Age-Appropriate Content
The Power of Words
Physical Literacy and National Standards
Guidelines and Frameworks
Movement Concepts as Age-Appropriate Content
The Young Child’s Physical Skills
Manipulative Skills
Considerations for Content
Chapter 2: Creating and Implementing Lessons Plans
Behavioral Objectives
Central Focus
Learning Tasks (Ages 3-8)
Making Smooth Transitions Between Learning Tasks
Creative Ways to Form Groups
Structuring the Learning Environment to Be Physically Safe
Knowledge of Students to Inform Teaching
Personal Community and Cultural Awareness
Instructional Strategies
Planned Supports for Children With Special Needs
Providing Differentiated Instruction
Academic Language
Chapter 3: Making the Most of Every Lesson
A Typical Lesson Plan
Making Lessons Plans More Purposeful
Instructional Materials/Props
Special Safety Considerations
Provisions for Special Needs
Students’ Prior Knowledge
Health-Enhancing Components of Physical Activity
Motivating Physically Literate Learners
Instructional Cues and Prompts
State Education Standards
Chapter 4: Assessing Children’s Ability to Move With Words & Actions
Evidence 1: The Child’s Perspective
Evidence 2: Responses to Higher-Order Questions
Evidence 3: Written Summaries and Progress Reports
Part II: Lesson Plans for Moving With Words & Actions
Chapter 5: Moving With Words & Actions to Create Healthy Bodies
Content Knowledge for Enhanced Physical Literacy
Strong Bones
Twisting Body Parts
My Special Body Parts
Muscle Actions
Body Expressions
Jumping Jills
Time, Force and Flow . . . On the Go
Body Outlines
Active Fruits and Vegetables
Fruit Salad Toss-Up
Sizzling Vegetables
Healthy Lunchtime Foods
Chapter 6: Moving With Words & Actions in Our Community
Community Helpers
Fire Station
Toy Store
Food Market
Pet Shop
Gas Station and Repair Shop
Train Station
Car Wash
Pizza Parlor
Construction Site
Building Structures
Wintertime Holidays
Chapter 7: Moving With Words & Actions Like Living Creatures
Living Creatures Near and Far
Animal Actions
Under the Sea
Feathered Friends
Eagles and Chickens
Spider Web Formations
Insects and Bugs
Life Cycle of the Butterfly
Learning About Nature
Chapter 8: Moving With Words & Actions in Science and Math
Substances, Surfaces, and Textures
Power Sources
Wave Actions
Undersea Travel
Life Cycle of a Tree
Cave Structures
Wind Patterns
Vines Found in the Jungle
Rock Formations and Water
Jumping With Words and Numbers That Rhyme
Hopping With Words and Numbers That Rhyme
Moving With Words and Numbers That Rhyme
Geometric Shapes
Puzzle Shapes
Body Triangles
Measuring Horses
First and Last
Chapter 9: Moving With Words & Actions in Language Arts
Alphabet Stretches A to Z
Alphabet Letters
Alphabet Treasures
Alphabet Rhythm
My Body Can Form Letters
Brain-and-Body Connection
Body Language
Twisting and Twirling Actions
Halloween Objects
Movement Narratives
Places in Our Community
Super Bodies
Fairy Tale Actions
So Very Small
The Letter S
Small to Tall
Objects in Our House
Amusement Park
Ice Rink
Sports Stadium
Hardware Store
Shoe Store
Magical Powers
Rainbow Magic
Space Travel
Science Museum