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What is worth doing in health education?

This is an excerpt from National Health Education Standards-3rd Edition by SHAPE America - Society of Health and Physical Educators.

What is worth doing in school health education, in our classrooms and communities, to engage our students, support our families, connect with our communities, and change and save lives?

It is the intent that the revised National HE Standards be used to support the effective implementation of integrated models that promote health and well-being, such as the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model (see figure 1.2). The WSCC model places the child at the center and takes a collaborative, comprehensive, multisectoral approach to support learning. With the use of the revised National HE Standards, and grounded in WSCC, schools have a vital role in supporting the development of health literacy as an asset and valuable quality that can help students feel empowered with the knowledge and skills to make health-enhancing choices, improve their health outcomes, and apply their health literacy to have agency in their lives (see figure 1.3; Benes and Alperin, 2022; USDHHS, 2018; Benes, 2019; Lewallen et al., 2015).

FIGURE 1.2 The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model promotes health and well-being. Adapted by permission from Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model, (Arlington, VA: ASCD. © 2005), 7. All rights reserved.
FIGURE 1.2 The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model promotes health and well-being.
Adapted by permission from Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model, (Arlington, VA: ASCD. © 2005), 7. All rights reserved.

FIGURE 1.3 Components of health literacy are necessary assets that influence a student’s health and well-being. Reprinted by permission from S. Benes and H. Alperin, The Essentials of Teaching Health Education: Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, 2nd ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2022).
FIGURE 1.3 Components of health literacy are necessary assets that influence a student’s health and well-being.
Reprinted by permission from S. Benes and H. Alperin, The Essentials of Teaching Health Education: Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, 2nd ed. (Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2022).

More Excerpts From National Health Education Standards 3rd Edition



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