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Technology in Coaching

This is an excerpt from Technology for Physical Educators, Health Educators, and Coaches With Web Resource by Seth E. Jenny,Jennifer M. Krause & Tess Armstrong.

Beyond traditional school settings, technology has become an important part of the coaching world. The National Standards for Sport Coaches (NSSC; Society of Health and Physical Educators, 2019), include 42 standards covering areas such as setting goals and standards; engaging in ethical practices; building relationships; creating a safe, positive, and inclusive environment; conducting practices; preparing for competition; teaching, assessing, and adapting; and striving for improvement. Of the 42 standards, only one specifically mentions technology, and it is for the purpose of assessment:

Standard 34: Implement appropriate strategies for evaluating athlete training, development, and performance: Sport coaches evaluate athlete progress and performance to assist in making decisions about athlete training, development, and performance. Sport coaches will use evidence-based strategies and tools as well as athlete input to make decisions regarding: athlete selection, assignment of team roles, goal-setting and training plan development, daily evaluation of progress, and incorporation of technology in training.

For instance, integrating technology into athlete training might involve using heart rate monitors to track cardiorespiratoryworkload or using skill analysis software to evaluate motor performance of the critical elements of a particular skill. Moreover, although this standard includes the only mention of the word technology in the NSSC, technology can enhance coaching in many ways and aid in addressing many of the other standards, some of are discussed throughout this book. Some examples of technology use in coaching are presented in table 1.6.

Table 1.6 Sample Applications of Technology in Coaching

More Excerpts From Technology for Physical Educators, Health Educators, and Coaches With Web Resource