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Sample training program for in-season high school soccer goalkeepers

This is an excerpt from Strength Training for Soccer by NSCA -National Strength & Conditioning Association,Daniel Guzman & Megan Young.


Table 11.2 Goalkeepers: In-Season, High School, Phase 1

Total Body Focus

Order Exercise Tempo (E:I:C) Intensity Sets Reps Rest
1a KB sumo deadlift 2:0:1 4 8 2 min
1b Hip thrust 2:1:1 BW 4 4 <40 sec
2a Two-DB single-leg RDL 2:0:1 3 8 2 min
2b Back extension 3:1:1 3 10 1 min
3a DB bench press (neutral grip) 2:0:1 4 5 3 min
3b One-arm DB row (hand and knee supported) 2:1:1 4 6 each 1 min

Table 11.3 Goalkeepers: In-Season, High School, Phase 2

Total Body Focus

Order Exercise Tempo (E:I:C) Intensity Sets Reps Rest
1a Trap bar deadlift (concentric only) 0:0:1 4 6 2 min
1b Single-leg hip thrust 2:1:1 BW 4 4 <40 sec
2a One-arm single-leg DB RDL 2:0:1 3 8 each 2 min
2b Split squat 3:1:1 3 6 1 min
3a DB bench press (neutral grip) 2:0:1 3 5 3 min
3b One-arm DB row (hand and knee supported) 2:1:1 3 6 each 1 min
More Excerpts From Strength Training for Soccer



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