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Plyometric Drills

This is an excerpt from Training for Speed, Agility, and Quickness 3rd Edition With HKPropel Online Video by Lee E. Brown & Vance A. Ferrigno.

Stability Ball Impact Lockouts

To strengthen the core and improve the body’s ability to absorb impact.


  • Assume a hand-on-ball push-up position, keeping the core (abdominal muscles, lower back, and hips) tight (see figure a).
  • Release the ball, allowing yourself to fall on the ball, making impact on the upper abdominals (see figure b).
  • As you bounce off the ball, secure it with the hands and lock out the arms.


  • Reach out and touch a target while bouncing.
  • Clap your hands behind your body while bouncing.

Stability Ball Impact Lockouts (a)

Stability Ball Impact Lockouts (b)

Stability Ball Hops

To improve quickness in the pushing musculature in the upper body.


  • Place your feet on the stability ball and hands on the floor (push-up position).
  • Hop backward and forward and from side to side, maintaining your balance on the ball with your feet (see figure a-c).
  • Do not allow the abdominals and hips to sag. Maintain a firm body position.

Stability Ball Hops (a)

Stability Ball Hops (b)

Stability Ball Hops (c)

Medicine Ball Wall Chest Pass

To improve total body transmission of power.


  • Perform chest passes to a wall (see figure).
  • Receive the ball with your arms extended before performing the next pass.
  • This can be done for any number of repetitions, for time, or for distance.


  • Perform the drill with one arm.
  • Perform the drill while moving laterally up and down the wall.

Medicine Ball Wall Chest Pass

Medicine Ball Release Push-Ups With Partner

To improve quickness in the pushing musculature in the upper body.


  • Starting in a kneeling position, throw the medicine ball to a partner and then fall into a push-up (see figure).
  • Push up back into the start position while the partner returns the medicine ball.
  • Repeat the exercise as quickly as possible.

Medicine Ball Release Push-Ups With Partner

More Excerpts From Training for Speed



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