National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities
This is an excerpt from Adapted Physical Education National Standards 3rd Edition With Web Study Guide by National Consortium for PE for Individuals With Disabilities & Luke E. Kelly.
The purpose of the National Consortium for Physical Education for Individuals with Disabilities (NCPEID) is to promote research, professional preparation, service delivery, and advocacy of physical education for individuals with disabilities. The NCPEID provides public information and education, promotes the development of programs and services, and disseminates professional and technical information. The organization succeeded the National Committee on Physical Education and Recreation for Handicapped Children and Youth, formed in 1973, and was originally formed as the National Consortium for Physical Education and Recreation for Individuals with Disabilities.
NCPEID membership is open to all persons who are or have been involved in professional preparation, demonstration, or research activity related to physical education and physical activity for individuals with disabilities. University faculty in adapted physical education as well as public school and residential facility personnel from across the United States are encouraged to become members.
Related to the areas in the purpose of the organization, the membership works diligently to stimulate and conduct research efforts directed toward improving the lifestyle and well-being of individuals with disabilities through physical education and life span physical activity. In part, the membership works to monitor available research funding from governmental agencies by articulating current needs and collectively advocating for funding related to its mission. The membership also works to serve as a liaison to legislative organizations at the national, state, and local levels. An essential function of the NCPEID is to develop and foster the adoption of standards related to staff qualifications, services facilities, and recommended levels of support for recreational and physical education programs for persons with disabilities at national, state, and local levels. The NCPEID also serves its membership and the profession by holding an annual meeting wherein organizational activities as well as current issues and research are discussed. A goal of the NCPEID is to serve as a professional voice and collective force in support of physical education and life span physical activity for all people, including those with disabilities. This may be articulated through the development of national policy and position statements reflecting the contribution of physical education and life span physical activity on the lives of people with disabilities. Efforts are made to regularly and effectively communicate with the membership of the NCPEID and with other professional organizations that advocate for the rights of people with disabilities.

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